Coffee Notes
Green Coffee Is on the Way
Today was a big step for us at Fat Puppy Coffee Roasters. We made our first green coffee order. This is the point where the proverbial rubber meets the road. For months we have been planning and working for the day when we fire up the coffee roaster for that first...
“You are good to go” – Part 2
In my previous post, "You are good to go" - Part 1, I gave a partial history describing how we got started in specialty coffee. I hope you found it entertaining enough to come back and see what followed. I think we were about to start a road-trip. That Thursday night,...
“You are good to go” – Part 1
We are actually in business. Now what?
That was the question I asked my wife after the Pa Department of Agriculture inspector said, “You are good to go.” Maybe that was foolish for me to ask after all the time, money, and effort it took to get to that point. The enormity of it all hit me right then. There I was, 40 years old, a new baby at home, sour economy, and we are starting a business? What was I thinking?
Come on In!
Every Saturday
8AM – 12PM
By Appointment
103 East Main Ave.
Myerstown, PA 17067